IJME - INTERTECH Conference Guidelines

Guidelines for the Submission of Papers for the IJME - INTERTECH Conference

Author Notes: To publish in the Conference Proceedings, and be considered for publication in a special issue of the sponsoring journals, at least one author per paper must register for the conference.

Formatting Instructions

The formatting is quite simple. Please use Microsoft Word (.doc) 98 or higher and follow the instructions below.
  1. Title Page 
  2. Body of the Paper (font size 12)
  3. Bibliographic Information (following body of paper): The bibliography must begin 4 spaces below the body of the paper using the same margins and font size as the body of the paper (font size 12). The referencing requirement is to list and number each reference-when referring to them in the text (e.g. [1],[2], ...). 
  4. Biographical Information (following the bibliographic information): The biography must begin 4 spaces below the bibliography using the same margins and font size as the body (font size 12). Consider each author as a separate paragraph, skipping one line between each author. Author's name must be in capital letters, followed by up to 4 lines of text per author.
  5. Copyright Information: Authors can find the copyright information on the Copyright page.  

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Disclaimer     Questions: Mark Rajai

Updated 04/26/05