Welcome to the 2006 IJME - INTERTECH International Conference


October 19-21, 2006
Kean University

IP Publishing

STEM Journal


Kean University * Located 12 Miles West of Manhattan - New York City
Direction * View Map * Museum * TwinBeam NY Presentation


The IJME - INTERTECH Conference Committee is very pleased to invite researchers, engineers, and practitioners to present their latest accomplishments, innovations, and potential future directions in Engineering, Engineering Technology, Industrial Technology, Engineering Education, University-Industry Collaboration, and Academic-Private Entrepreneurship and Innovation.

Selected papers from this premier conference will be considered for publication in issues of six "refereed" international journals: The International Journal of Modern Engineering , The Journal of Industry and Higher Education, International Journal of Applied Management and Technology , The International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation,  The Journal of STEM Education, and Journal of Technology Studies


If you are interested in hosting future conferences, or becoming a member of the planning committee, please contact Mark Rajai, Conference General Chair (859-572-5186)  Ali Setoodehnia, Conference Associate Chair (908-351-4517).

The IJME - INTERTECH conference is sponsored by the International Journal of Modern Engineering,ICAM-2006, INTERTECH, IP Publishing LTD, University of Cincinnati, Pennsylvania State University, Kean University, and Northern Kentucky University.

Updates to this web site are made periodically. Please visit often to obtain the most recent information available.

Disclaimer    Contact Mark Rajai

Updated 7/20/06