Journal’s New Partnerships with other Journals/Organizations and our Upcoming International Conference
The International Journal of Modern Engineering (IJME) has taken a leading role in creating a new era of collaboration with other journals and organizations. IJME has formed partnerships with three other well- established international journals: the Journal of Industry and Higher Education (IHE), the International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation (IJEI) published by IP Publishing Company, which is a well-known publishing company based in London, England, and Journal of STEM Education (JSE).
IJME and its affiliate journals have also formed partnerships with Fifth- Third Bank Entrepreneurship Institution and Intertech/ASEE (which has sponsored nine international conferences in the past) to organize and sponsor a joint international conference in October 2006. This conference intends to become one of the most premier and prestigious conferences of the coming year. It is unique because it joins two and maybe more conferences, and it is the only conference that allows authors to not only publish in conference proceedings but also be considered for publication in special issues of four refereed major journals. We are still seeking dedicated individuals to join us in planning committee for this conference. Please visit the conference web site for more information:
We hope you will enjoy our current issue and continue to support the Journal. As always we welcome your suggestions and comments.
Mark Rajai
Northern Kentucky UniversitySohail Anwar
Executive Editor
Penn State