Volume 6, Number 2, Spring 2006


Electrical Transformers & Rotating Machines


Second Edition


Stephen L. Herman


Thomas Delmar Learning



The second edition of this textbook provides a comprehensive explanation of theory and practical applications of electrical machines. A basic knowledge of electrical theory is needed to fully comprehend the content of this textbook. The textbook begins with a study of magnetism and magnetic induction and progresses through single-phase isolation transformers, current transformers, and auto transformers. All the basic types of three-phase transformers are covered such as delta-wye, delta-delta, wye-delta, wye-wye, and open-delta. Special transformer connections such as the Scott, T, and zig-zag are also presented.


This textbook is organized in the form of twenty units. The measurable objectives for each unit are stated at the beginning. A summary is provided at the end of each unit. A few review questions/problems are listed at the end of each of the 20 units. The writing style is reader-friendly. Diagrams and tables are clearly illustrated.


This textbook includes a set of nine hand-on laboratory experiments for single-phase transformers, three-phase transformers, three-phase motors, and single-phase motors. A unit on three-phase power refreshes students’ knowledge of basic three-phase connections and calculations before proceeding to three-phase transformers. The units covering the installation of transformers and motors reflect all the changes made in the 2005 National Electric Code (NEC).


In short, this textbook is an excellent resource for students and professionals who need a detailed understanding of electrical machines. The book provides a quick access to information on single – and three-phase transformers, DC generators, and motors.


Sohail Anwar, Ph.D

The Pennsylvania State University,

Altoona College