The leading journal of engineering, applied science, and technology
International Journal of Modern EngineeringOnline ISSN: 1930-6628
Print ISSN: 2157-8052
IJME is now ranked #1 among civil engineering journals, #1 industrial and manufacturing engineering journals, #1 computer network journals, #2 electrical engineering journals, #2 general engineering journals and #5 mechanical engineering journals.
The International Journal of Modern Engineering (IJME) is a highly-selective, peer-reviewed online/print open access journal covering topics that appeal to a broad readership of various branches of engineering and related fields.
IJME is steered by a distinguished Board of Directors and is supported by an International Review Board consisting of prominent individuals representing many well-known universities, colleges, and corporations in the United States and abroad.
To maintain a high-quality journal, manuscripts that appear in the IJME Articles section have been subjected to a rigorous review process. This includes an editorial review by IJME editors, followed by blind reviews by three or more members of the International Review Board.
Mark Rajai, Ph.D.
California State University Northridge

The International Journal of Modern Engineering (IJME) was founded in spring of 2000. It is the first peer-reviewed online journal covering topics that appeal to a broad readership of engineering and related fields.

2024 IAJC International Conference
Sponsored by 5 well-known organizations including ASEE and IEEE; 14 journals; 35 universities; journal-type review process; conference ISBN#; expected high impact factor (IF); indexed by many organizations.